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9-yr-old solves Rubik's Cube blind-folded

Author:China Magic Cube Time:2011/2/15

MUMBAI: While the country is looking at Sachin Tendulkar, Saina Nehwal and the like to set world records, nine-yearold Dhanayush Raninga has quietly done his best to achieve a global feat of his own.

On Sunday, the child managed to become the world's youngest person to attempt and solve a Rubik's Cube blindfolded, breaking an earlier record that was held by a 10-year-old boy from China.

"This comes as a surprise because Dhanayush started solving Rubik's Cube only in December 2009," said Priti, his mother. A Christmas gift from his father was enough to invoke interest in Dhanayush. "My husband knew how to solve one side of the cube. Dhanayush surfed online for several days to understand and apply the various formulas and algorithms to solve each and every Rubik's Cube."

Apart from attending school and swimming classes, Dhanayush always made time for his favourite game. Dhanayush said, "This process improves my memory and helps me in my studies."

Last year, at a competition held in IIT-Chennai, Dhanayush created a national record by becoming the fastest Pyraminx (pyramid-shaped Rubik) solver, by finishing this feat in 9.19 seconds whereas the earlier record for the same was 11 seconds.

On Sunday, he took part at the VJTI Institute's annual technology festival, Techfest, and broke his own record in just 6.4 seconds. A student of Vibgyor High School at Goregaon (West), Dhanayush is also a champion swimmer and chess player. "He swims two hours everyday and till date, he has won close to 50 medals in swimming alone," said his proud mother.